Erase you out

I found myself writing your name in pencil.
Just so I could erase you from my past.
I thought it would work.
But alas, the markings had been there for to long.

I can still faintly see your name written there.
I'll do better next time.
I won't write your name in pencil,
I won't write your name at all.

There is a possibility that I can completely delete you.
I've figured it out!
I'll just use my trusty white out.

Hovering over what's left of your name.
I can't bring myself to do it.
Erase you completely.

So now I guess I'm stuck.
Cause I've used up my whole eraser,
trying to erase you out.
I don't have the power to completely white you out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you think?
It's been forever since I wrote a poem.