Mirror, Mirror

A/N: Sing it, it's a very catchy song! :D

Mirror, mirror on the wall.
I know someday I'm going to fall.
So let me know who'll catch me then.
Tell me how and tell me when.

Mirror, mirror on the wall.
Is he handsome, is he tall?
Let me know if he is funny.
Tell me how he makes his money.

Mirror, mirror in my hand.
I know someday I'll find a man.
So let me know about him please.
Tell me, does his heart have keys?

Mirror, mirror in my hand.
When I fall where will I land?
In his arms or in his heart?
Will I pin him like a dart?

Mirror, mirror everywhere.
I know someday I will get there.
So let me know the time and year.
Tell me when he will get here.

♠ ♠ ♠
Mirror, mirror.