You give me, rain

As our eyes meet
The Rain starts to pour

An omen? i think not
A sign? maybe

The cool texture of the water slowly drips down your cheek
Your eyes sparkle like diamonds in the sun
Melts my heart like candle wax

The rain slows like the calm before the storm

So gentle
So calming

In this moment i am lost
It's a whirl of emotions

What is this?
This feeling?
This amazement?

The clouds begin to rumble

The calm has stopped
My heart is racing
Beating rapidly

Lightning strikes!

My heart skips a beat
Our love is lose

Free with the wind

The rain has carried us to a point of no return
An endless paradise with each other

You see...

Our love is like the rain


But our love is like the thunder
like the lightning


Something you stand outside at night beneath the stars to stare at in amazement

With each drop of the rain
Your voice gets closer

Only to know
Our love is never over

You give me life without an end:)
You give me purpose without a reason:)
You give me hope without dream:)
You give me love without a doubt :)

Your the only one in this world who can keep me sane
With you in my life....

All i need is the rain<3

I love you so much baby with all my heart