It's all your fault.

It’s hard
Standing alone
Holding the world above your head
Since if you don’t
Everything you’ve ever know

And all the ones that actually care
Sent to suffer, to die
Emotionally, physically
It’s all a blur of pain, now
But I won’t stop
I can’t ever begin to stop

It’s all on my shoulders again
I’m all alone
It’s a constant thing
You want to give me slack
And give me pity
- Then you've given me shame

You shame me, you kill me
Don’t...just don’t
Help me, free me
That’s all I want
Give me this??
At the least

I don’t ask for much
Just the things I need
To keep myself up
To stay heading for a future
Don't you see??
I won’t live like this much longer
I won’t make it much farther

I’m dying, I’m losing
But I’m not stopping
It won’t happen
You can’t make it
That’s all I know.
That’s my stronghold.

And since nothing
Was ever done for me
I do it all....
Alone again.
It’s for help...
I’ve been screaming out
Hear me

I may not mean anything
To anyone in the world
But you have to have figured
By now, I don’t plan to stop
Unless I’m dead, I’m dying
I’m only one girl

I’m waiting for the payback
Dammit how long will I wait?!
What goes around
Will surely smash you in the face
I’ll put more behind it
You’ll regret this, I swear

If you could only see
Look at the start,
Where you first saw me.
Staying was
The biggest mistake
And now I take it back

I’m leaving
You’ll finally be
On your own
You’ll be ALONE
Since I’ve never belonged
I’ve never fit with you
Or your kind.

I’m done. It’s dead
I’m gone
And I’ll take everything
I hold my world
I’ll drop yours
You’ll regret
What you did to me

This i swear.
I've become what you call
A living nightmare
My being will haunt
Your thoughts eternally
Its your turn now.

I may only be one girl
I may be completly alone
But im stronger,
Smarter, better, and greater
Than you could ever
Even dream to be

I will be everything
I dream to be.
Wait and see
I know when im gone,
You'll miss me.
It's all your fault.