

I couldn't say good-bye
It was covered by tears

Tears of pain
Tears of longing 
Tears of loneliness 
Tears of sadness
Tears meant for you. 

I cry myself to sleep night after night
While I wait to feel your hand in my again 

I wake to the thought of you. 
To the feeling of your arms around me

But your not there

I miss you so much
I can almost feel your kisses
I can almost feel you holding me close

Every time after we talk. 
I cry alone
I know you do too

I will never say good-bye
That's means that we are no more

Every night I say I love you
Even though you aren't there to hear it

I'll never say good-bye
I'll always be here
Just a phone call away

Just waiting
Waiting to hear your voice again
To let you know I love you
To let you know I will never truly say good-bye