
I take out my favorite blade and stick it to my wrists

I watch the blood spill over my hand and drip on the floor where I stand

I have a hard life but hey I think that's everyone

Even in the day time my room is dark

I take the blade out again and look at it, blood stained

I look at my wrists and see the blood slowly going to a halt

I run to the bathroom and wash it out and see what damage I have caused

I grab a nice dark red towel from the cart and go back to my room

I wash the bloody floor before it sets in

I look at your picture again and begin to cry

What have I done

I can't take you back but hey that's life I guess

Life is hell and fucked up as usual and well I can't help that

As I get myself up off the floor and take the now bloody towel and throw it into the washer

I look at the blood wash away and think of you

The blood is like you it went away before I could stop it

My blood was the only thing that would help me get you out of my head but now it puts you in my head

It never helps but I do it anyway

What happened to us,

What happened to me...