just the latest..

one day down.. a lifetime ahead of me.
i loved you once, i always will..
it was never fake to me, even tho all of it probably was to you..
i said i'd climb mountains and swim seas to be with you..
well, i did my best and took a walk..

i realized that, i was a game..
for you to play with..
its like you had instructions right there in yer hands, telling you how to get into my heart, then how to break it, and leave me alone..

but i'm still afraid to let go of you, because what if..
what if you are the right..
what if i let go, thinking yer the wrong, and..
what if i never get you back?

ill never let the thought of you go..
not these feelings.
sometimes i wish everyone saw in black in white..
but the one person they were meant to be with, they saw in color.
like when they saw them, they knew it was love at first sight..
like they knew they were meant to be..