let me live again..

i've been looking out my window more frequently.. hoping to see your loving eyes.
the eyes that brought me everywhere..
the ones of which, used to make my day..
until they turned that shade of ruby...
that hate..
and.. and, all those.. those nasty words you said to me..
i've always been in love with you.. there is no doubt of that. but now, its.. its a lot harder to believe that love is real. not after.. not after that.
you couldn't.. nor would never intend to have yourself experience such pain.. but yet you inflict it on my frail body..
my fragile soul.. my loving soul.
i always had my arms open in love fer you.. you were the only thing that ever meant anything to me..
and still, you are..
but.. but still i know, and watch for the signs..
i need not experience that.. that type of torture again..
my heart has not yet mended, from the wounds your words left..
how can i survive..
all i ever knew was your love, or what i thought of as love..

it's like i'm trying to say.. let me live again.
but i don't know how to.
because living without your love,
it;s unknown to me..
i cant go on..