Lost In You

I always thought you would want to get closer
Now it seems that I’m becoming more of a loner

You pulled me into you months ago
And now I can never go back, because I’m lost in you

Let me hold you
Let me grow old with you

But now you want me to stand on my own
Like I was able to long ago

My emotions hit me everyday as an attack
From time to time, I could really use a smack

We all need somebody to lean on
Can we be each others somebody’s?

Everything was thrown on me, every emotion
I really wish there was a potion

You keep slipping away
It feels like you are leaving me on the highway

We talk a lot less
I don’t want things to be such a mess

You are so hard to let go
We have been through so much more

I want to hold your hand
I want to take a stand

You ask for so much, so fast
But damn, I really want this to last

You are my love
You are higher than all of the above

I need you by my side
To cuddle with, to share secrets, and just to stare at each other in the eye

I want more for the rest of our lives
Hey Chris, let’s try to make things right