The True Meaning of Only of You

His hazel eyes capture me in a world unknown
A world so beautiful, but mysterious in a way
I feel so worn about being so torn
He's on my mind almost every second of everyday

His soul is so beautiful and stunning
It takes my breath away
How a man can be so astounding
It's amazing, as some say

The way he looks at me
Gives me this hope that he cares
And that he wants me to see
But if it isn't true, it's something my heart can't bear

To be honest, I don't really care
If people call me crazy

Because I dream of him just simply holding me
Everyone has the right to dream
And in reality, they are the crazy ones if they can't see
That I believe he and I
Are meant to be

If the outcome is what is more realistic
And he and I can't be
I will always love him
And someday, I hope it means something to him
That my beating heart belongs to him
And only him