my heart is broken, wrists are bleeding

Her heart is broken, wrists bleading.
bleading the tears that she refuses to cry, the tears of her her bleading heart.
She takes off her cloths and gets into the shower.
Not turning the watter worm nor cool.
she knows the waters cold, she can see the goosbumps on her body,
but she doesnt feel a thing.
she watches as the water runs over her cuts washing away the blood.
she feals as if everything she does is wrong.
she FELt hapy for the first time in her life. happy with him,
the him that is making her heart scream in pain and her wrists cry her bloody tears.
she feals as if shes screaming for help but nobody can here her.
she gets out of her shower,
changes into dry cloths,
whipes away her tears, puts on a smile,and walks out to say goodnight to her parents.
she lays down in bed feeling better now that she has let her wrists cry for her.
but in the end her heart is still broken, and her wrists are no more bleading her un-cryd tears.