Not Beautiful Enough

Skin hanging over her pants
Fat that wont go away
Even though its not really there
Thats what she sees everyday
Skin and bone to everyone
Who turns and looks her way
Her anorexia is killing her
Her stomach slowly decays
Yet when she steps on the scale
The 54 looks like ten thousand
And the tears start to flow faster than ever
On her stomach she places her hand
"I'm still fat" she says sadly
Unable to see the truth
'No one will ever love me' she thinks
And she knows what she must do
She never eats, and overworks
Every muscle everyday
Everyone who looks at her
Doesnt know what to say
"You would be so pretty
If you werent so tiny
You need some meat on your bones
Your appearance is unslightly"
All she hears is insults
"You'll never be pretty
You need to be tiny
You need less meat on your bones
Your appearance is frightening"
She dosnt comprehend
That shes already too small
Watch her cry, Watch her fall
She's digging herself a tunnel
That sadly ends in death
But she doesnt know it yet
She's "Not Beautiful Enough" yet