Never Alone

Is it really worth living?
I mean
Sure there are happy things
But happiness isn’t always here
It ends abruptly
In one second
You could be on top of the world
Then the next
Crying in despair
Is life really worth it?
Someone walks into your life
While your crying
Then something changes
The tears have stopped
Wait no their still going
Difference is
Someone is wiping them away
Telling you things will get better
You start to have hope
Your days become brighter
Happiness has settled in
But wait.
Won’t this come to an end?
Yes things won’t be always be cheerful
There’s just one difference.
You have someone there walking with you
Walking with you every step of the way
So I ask again.
Is it really worth living?
Because you’re never alone.
Who’s never alone?
No matter what I will never leave you
I will be here for as long as you want me to be
Cheer up
Because like I said; “You’re never alone.”