Another Teenage Dream

I really wish you wanted me
As much as I want you.
I wish you only thought of me
And dreamt about me too.

I wish you liked the way I dress
And liked my favourite bands.
I wish, when I was scared or tired
You'd always hold my hand.

I wish you knew my favourite things
And even if they did nothing for you.
You'd pretend, for my sake
You'd pretend to like them too.

I wish you paid interest to me
And read my poems all night.
I wish you said when it rains
I make it all alright.

I wish you knew my every secret
Knew every 'in' joke we told.
I wish you promised me everything
An knew just how to hold.

I wish you waited for me in the snow
And didn't mind if I was late.
I wish you liked whatever outfit tried
And always said I looked great.

I wish you spent your Sunday afternoon's
With me,after swimming.
I wish you'd been to every gala I did
And didn't care if I wasn't winning.

I wish you just didn't walk on by
And weren't another teenager dream.
I wish you were real and perfect
And I was your high school queen.