The Curse.

She holds on to you.
Though she knows not of your worth.
She wants you.
But not your touch.

She sickens me.
She holds on to what I want.
I curse her for not knowing you like I do
I hate that I lost you to her.

Most of all I hate that I wasn't the one you wanted.
I hate myself.
and all I stand for.
I've written many letters you wont see.

As this summer gets closer.
I cry more and more.
Because we wont hold each other.
Cuddle and snuggle.

I wont see your eyes and melt.
I wont be with the one I thought loved me.
I wont be yours.
You wont be mine.

I hope you're happy though.
That's all I need.
Is your happiness.
I'll live...