The Promise Of A Rose

In a world where only loneliness exists,
and love is never shown to you,
you go on a journey to find a place to live;
drifting among the stars and planets
until you find one with a beautiful melody.
Though you are still alone and have no one.
A rose can change all of that in a second,
Once a rose is given, suddenly you're not alone.
your heart starts to melt at the gift
as it shows true friendship.

An act of compassion
can change a life and purpose.
It reveals real kindness and love.
The beauty of the rose
shows the beauty of life.
While the thorns represent
the struggles that will occur.
But at the end of it all,
you'll break through.
♠ ♠ ♠
Inspired by a contest prompt on a website and the movie "Sailor Moon R: Promise Of The Rose"