Monster Under My Bed

Mommy, you lied to me
When you held me close and brushed my tears away
With your gentle touch and caring hands
And whispered comfortingly in my ear
That there were no monsters under my bed

Mommy, I believed you
And laid back on my soft bed
Getting enveloped by the warmth and comfort
Of a familiar place that was away from your safety
My racing heart calming down to your soothing voice

Mommy, you left me
With a wolf disguised in sheep’s clothing
Who tricked you and hid his vile, dark shadows
That surrounded him in an eerie fashion
And poured trust into your trusting self

Mommy, he was a bad man
Who took the opportunity to snatch me away
From your caring, gentle hands
And insert his darkness into my small frail form
Into my mind, heart and soul

Mommy, he tainted me
With his perturbing wants and needs
With his thoughts and desires
And scarred me with his actions,
Inserting his sharp teeth into my fragile heart

Mommy, he broke me
He broke my child-like view of the world
He broke my innocence and naivety
And inserted into me the bitterness he felt
The cautiousness and paranoid feelings

Mommy, why?
Why did you lie to me?
Why did you not prepare me?
Why did you not whisper those scathing words into my ear,
That there was a monster under my bed?