
Don't let me down
Turn in those assignments
Don't be a dumbass
You have no future -

Don't do this to yourself
don't you want to be a good father?
Don't you want to be a supportive husband?
Put some fire under it, dumbass -

What's it gonna take?
Don't make me give you a reason to cry
You shit-brained little prick
Don't let the door hit you on the way out -

You set the example for her
She looks up to you, ya know
How can she turn out alright
If you keep acting like this? -

Do you understand where I'm coming from?
Am I making myself clear?
Your ass is grass, son
Don't make me get the lawnmower -

No swallowing bullets
No self mutilation
I'll be the sweaty toothed madman
With a stare that pounds your brain -

Pick this shit up kid
When the hell will you get it right?
I know you can do better
Fix it, alright?

I'm sorry I act this way
But I just want what's best
Just remember I love you
Try to forget the rest
