try to survive

having the weight of the worlds
both theirs and mine
is beyond what one person can handle
Ive driven far from fine.

call me crazy, judge me
fuck over my world and eat me alive
spit me out and begin
again to let me to die

take me far from here
erase my mind and fill it again
with the shit you teach me
i know this hell will never end

ive been forced again
to take up my past
now its worse by far
someone free me atlast

cutting bleeding screaming
thats all i know now
to free my hearts exploding pain
i dont know any other way how

you see the jagged red lines
embeded all up my arm
but you dont understand
its not only pointless harm

my release of all thats pent up
pain longing and stress
all follow the river of bood
its how i deal the best

cant you see now
that im so far gone
i dont know where it ends
this hell will last how long

im better than killing
homicide - suicide
murder at its best
its running through my head
to stay away from it i try
i can only try... survive