Just A Question

Your all readin this.
I know your looking at these words.
So does that mean I'm letting you into my world?

Alrighty then welcome My friends. . .to hell.
Everyday is smoultering heat,
You try to walk but you burning your feet.

Everywhere you turn, it's just another blood curtling scream.
We want nothing, Nothing but to be free.
Now, welcome to hell.

You live your worst nightmare day in and day out.
Some of us see out loved ones cutting their throats.
Hell has no hope.

You wake in the morning hoping it was nothing but a dream.
The again you see the same horrific nightmare scene.
The Devil Is Calling.

As you search for a light you realise there is no chance.
This will always be the only thing you will ever have.
Welcome my friend to my world, my nightmare. . my Hell.
