*** You.

Fuck you,
I keep reading this all over again.
If I could kill you,
I promise, you'd never see the light of day again.

I hate you,
I'll always hate you,
You never knew what you did,
Because you never saw the wrong.

I hope you choke,
I hope you suffer,
I hope you fall,
And no one finds you.

I also hope that you get all that you deserve,
You ungrateful son of a whore,
I'll find you and make sure you know what you did,
You deserve pain.

You fucked me up,
You killed me inside,
I used to be happy,
But now I'm empty.

I'm learning,
Learning that I'm not all empty.
I've got a lot inside.

I'm fine now,
Without you,
I know, it's true,
That I'll never need you.