realize, forget, erase, ignore

I hate when i realize [durring the night
when im all curled up tight
and have allowed my mind
to wonder where it might]
- How much i miss you.

I miss just going out
to see, hold, and kiss you
i miss how i felt - so loved,
wanted, needed, adored too.

i realized now that i must forget
all these things i miss.
your warm secure embrace
your sweet, heart-melting kiss

i must forget the love we once knew
and remember you have these feelings
[ones that i surely dislike]
that i wish could be renewed

i have to ignore all the songs
that have ever reminded me of you
because then i spend another moment
where i cry all night long - im blue

i have to foget the way
i memorized your walk
and i ignore the memories
of how we use to talk

i have to erase from my mind
all the things you used to say
since those resounding words
only remind me that you walked away.

i have to forget your laugh
and i have to forget you sidways grin
and your dimple on the one side
and the way you catch my spin.

i have to ignore the way it felt
to remember the way you held me tight
cause it will only cause me
more and more pain everynight

i have to erase the time
and how it went by so fast
i see now that our love
has become something of a distant past

i ignore the fact that you promised
you wouldnt leave me-not ever
because now that youre gone
i fear youre gone forever