
She sits in a corner,
The pain inside is too much to bear,
She takes out the only thing that helps her with the pain,
It is her new best friend.

She opens the blade,
She knows she shouldnt do it,
So many people say its wrong,
But its the only way to make the pain go away.

She cuts once,
She waits,
The blood comes to the surface,
She can feel the release it brings,

She cuts again,
The time its deeper,
The more blood she sheds,
The less pain she feels inside.

She hears footsteps in the hall,
She quickly puts her friend away,
And hides the wounds she just made.

Shes afraid that if they find out,
They'll take away her friend,
Her security,
Her life.

She leaves her room
Acting like the happy child she's meant to be
But inside
Shes a troubled teen with fears and lots of pain

She doesnt let people get too close
Shes afraid they will get hurt
Afraid they'll hurt her
She lives alone in her mind

She hates the way people lie to her
Telling her they care
Telling her they understand
Begging her to believe them

She doesnt believe anyone
If she believes them
She will only get hurt again
And that would be too much of a risk in her state

Shes hurt alot of people
And for that shes truly sorry
That is why she refuses to get too close
That is why she remains so far