Nothing Lasts Forever

I sit here and wait.
But when will you come around?
Do I have the strength?
The strength to go through
Everything alone.

You were everything to me.
Now you are gone?
What willed you to leave?
Was it me?
Did I make you unhappy?

I'm sorry.
I know I can change.
Just promise to give me a second chance.
I will bring the light in your eyes.

Watch me,
I will shine.
I won't fail you again.

These dreams are what keep me tied
Tied to the life I wish to live
Live next to you
Forever and ever.
Ha! What a joke!
Nothing lasts forver.
Not you, not me
Not love, not hate

Nothing stays the same.

Why do we pretend?
Pretend to be somethingwe are not?

"Good job. You have finally understood the meaning behind life. I have prepared you the right way."

I choose to stay the same and never change my ways.
It makes me who I am
And if you can't accept that..
Well then don't.
I am me
And forever wil be me.