Helpless Puppy

Walking down the road.
on a normal sunny day.
a weak lonely dog.
beaten and abused some say.

making its way.
just passing a tree.
only to find.
there's kids of three.

with rocks in hand.
they start to throw.
striking the dog.
laughing with each blow.

yelp after yelp.
it tries to run away.
with nowhere to go.
for it was an unwanted stray.

rounding up to a corner.
the kids start to kick.
stomping and hitting.
even grabbing a stick.

they laugh and they curse.
at the helpless little mutt.
they say it deserves it.
with each and every cut.

after awhile.
finally they leave.
walking away mocking.
with blood on each sleeve.

the dog can only lay there.
wishing for a home.
so this would all stop.
and not having to roam.

it staggers to its paws.
and limps off to nowhere.
wanting someone to love.
not knowing how much more he can bare.