What I need to Hide

To you
I am a blank page to fill
With the nonsense findings that don't exist
But I am me, without proof
What you see is what you see
Regardless of you know me or not
Go through the labels and take you pick
Tack me to the wall of your subconscious
And I will never Leave
Keep handing me the molds to break
But you'll just make a new one
Insisting that you know what's best.

You don't really know me
You can try
But don't look too far beneath my skin
You'll see all of the skeletons that I've tried to hide.
On my ribcage are my tattooed lies
And the cracks in my bones
from what they have said

Sticks and stones would break these bones.
And words have cracked the throughly

I guess I'm just a closet
With only one thing to hide

Only one skeleton

Formed from all the others

I don't know myself
I don't know if I want to.
There might be a good girl underneath
I hope she's the happy one.
But maybe she has died....
And that's the skeleton underneath my skin

Maybe that's the thing to hide:

My real self.