
I’m looking at you, in disgust,
Stop lying to me; I don’t want to hear it,
I’m tired; I’m sick and tired of you!
I’m sick of you; I’m can’t take it anymore, I can’t take you!
Go ahead, drink another beer, and take another drag of your cigarette,

I’m not looking forward to be suffocated in your lies, in you, of whom and what you’ve become,
Stop yelling at me, why don’t you take a day in my life for once?
See; just take a look, at how hard it for me to be around you,
That’s it, scream, call me names, you’ll be sorry, you already are!
Go ahead, drink yourself into oblivion, I’ll just watch,

Take a clue while you take a drag,
I don’t care about you; no I just don’t want to be like you years from now!
“Dad,” I cry, as you hurt mom. “STOP!” I scream weakly,
Do you get the clue?
You’re ruining the family even more,

You’re taking us into oblivion along with you,
I’m not ready yet, Dad, or so that’s what you prefer,
Only, you’re too drunk to understand and all of your words turn into smoke,
We aren’t ready; I still have friends and the people I love,
When all you have is NOTHING.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sometimes terrible people come give you inspiration.