Tell me

I’ll never forget how you made me feel the day my life turned into hell,
The way you made me feel was different,
Through all of the numbness, you made me think and feel,
But, all I want is the real you, no more lies, nothing but you,
Stop teasing me; I just want the truth,
Even though we hide in masks, all the time, I just wish we could take them off,

So, we can be that way again,
You remember, right? You should, you told me,
We had something for a few days, but I suffocated you, and let myself go,
I’ll apologize if I still have to; I just want you to tell me,

I’m tired of the boy behind the mask; I want you, not just some kid hiding from the world,
I’ll accept you, no matter what, get it?
I’m not the same girl I was in September, before my life fell apart,
I’ve changed, I’ll show you, just tell me,
I want the truth, I sick and tired of those games,
C’mon, it’s now that you have the chance to tell me,
Before I start to ignore you for no reason,

There is only one thing I’ll say,
As I slide off my mask, the mask I use to make myself tough and mature,
You can keep yours on and act like I’m not talking to you, zone me out for all I care,
However, I’ll say this first:
Thank you for being here for me, when truthfully, you don’t need to be,

Now, I want to say this, right to you, even if you’re listening or not: Just tell me
♠ ♠ ♠
Not my best, but it's okay.