Dissecting hearts

I remember the first heart I dissected
I just wanted to look inside
See if there was enough room for me
Just a small space for me to curl up
Some space to feel at home

It didn't turn out very well
It had a lot of cracks in it's foundation
One more person 
And it would break
There was too much space already used
It was rotting from the inside out
With all the bodies crushed together
I couldn't squeeze my way through

I picked up a few bad habits 
And went looking for another heart
This one
I thought was different
It had plenty of space
Once I finally cut through
The shell built around it was so tough
An only one other person inhabited it
But she wouldn't make room

I though I found a home
But this heart was doing well on it's own
It wouldn't let me in
No matter how hard I tried
It just left me with cracks in mine

So I stopped letting hearts in
I just climbed into others
And when I really started to get comfortable 
I moved on to another one