The Missing Puzzle Piece.

There's something missing from my pictures.
What could it possibly be?
It's him.
He's not here.
Who is he?
The man that I love.
What's he like?
Sweet, loving, adoring.
He holds my heart carefully, as if it will break.
He should be around me.
In more of the depictions of me face.
Why isn't he?
Was he with another?
I don't want that to be so.
I haven't heard his voice in so long.
How I wish I could hear it once again.
The missing piece of me.
The missing love.
My life is empty without him.
There's nothing left for me.
Nothing but sadness.
I should have tried harder to talk to him.
But what could I do?
My hands were tied.
Nothing I could have done.
I want to see him again.
I want to hold him.
I want to feel him.
But how can I?
How, indeed.
I begin to wonder.
I find a photo of him.
I hold it to my chest.
The tears flow.
I cry, cry, and cry.
I can't stop them from coming.
I need my missing puzzle piece.
I need it to feel whole.
I need him to make everything better.
What do I do to bring him back to me?
He's something I need.
Like a drug.
If he's a drug, what kind is he?
He's definitely like Acid.
I wonder if I'm like a drug.
Would I be his Ecstasy?
Would we be forever addicted to one another?
I wouldn't know.
I'm certainly addicted to him.
I lay in bed, crying as I cling to the picture.
My missing puzzle piece.
Please find me.
I can't live without you.
Not for much longer at least.
♠ ♠ ♠
I typed this poem up in a spur of the moment sadness. I was thinking about a guy that I happen to love very much and that I haven't actually spoken to him for a while. It made me sad, and this poem came to my mind.