I'll Shiver For a Minute

I'm cold.
But it's not the bad cold you feel
when your outside at school
cos some jerk pulled the fire
alarm and you don't have a coat.

I'm the cold that makes you
shiver in your coat, and want an
empty hug from anyone because
just for that one moment
you are so very sad and scared.

I'm That cold.
And I worry that no one will
hold my hand as it shakes and
draws jagged lines from my
shivering and worrying and cold.

It's sweet.
In the worst possible way,
like an over sugared sweet tea
or a sweater to expensive to give back
even though it was given with love.

I don't want warmth.
If this is what real cold does
feel like. I would die of hypothermia
I decided, if it's like this, is over
heat stroke any day I get to choose.