
I am a fallen man
A resurrected corpse
To die is my plan
As I join the walking dead

Handed a crown of thorns
A cross I cannot bear
Those who love me mourn
For the battle that I fight

Sometimes I feel alone
Like the walking dead
But the love you've shown
Is enough to get me through

I've reached the bitter end
But I will not cry
For still I have one friend
A light that never dies

I may be a doubting Thomas
But still I will believe
In your final promise
That I'm not alone

When I die I'll find my home
It's all worth it in the end
No longer will I roam
When my days are done

My kind and gentle savior
Will heal my broken soul
And once again He'll leave me
Finally feeling whole

I am a risen man
A resurrected soul
To die was my plan
So that one day I'd find home.