*** You!

What the hell is wrong with you?
Youre the only person capable of breaking two hearts in five minutes.
But that doesnt seem to faze you.
Youre the only one who likes her.
Youre the only one who she was ever nice to.
She broke our brothers heart, you dont care.
She upset us both and made us depressed,
You don't care.
You have a girl again.
You have someone to pretend she cares.
guess that's what happens when you become a teeen boy.
You stop caring about what matters.
About the people who would take a bullet for you.
As long as you have that bitch by your side.
So you know what?
Have her.
You know what?
Screw you.
You know what?
Leave. Me. Alone.
Fuck. you!
♠ ♠ ♠
This is about a guy who broke both me and my sister's heart in a matter of minutes. He was a liar, and this poem is for him. You know who you are.