Life's a journey.

Every time I turn, something is different.
Something is gone, replaced.
It is necessary to constantly ask,
What is happening?
What is happening?
Or I am left behind, lost.
Sometimes I feel like I’m in a bubble,
And things are changing without me.
Flashy lights and silver metal,
No more candles and brown wood.
Short skirts and tall shoes,
No more dresses and horse-drawn carriages.
Cold guns and merciless death,
No more sitting in the sun without a worry.
The world is changing and I’m not ready.
Everyone’s always in a rush,
Worrying and stressing and crying.
Why can’t we just live?
To be and be loved,
Isn’t that enough?
Is it enough?
Everyone turns everything difficult,
When the answer is so clear.
It’s been done, so it is done.
There is no need for
More explanations, more problems, more tears.
So why is there?
It’s time for people to learn
That life’s a journey,
And you need to just keep moving on.
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