
Everything is surreal.
The roses. Sweet smelling, their colour almost painful on the eye.
The tears. Flowing freely, blinding us until we cannot see.
The sun. So bright, yellow golden in colour.
The voices. the sad the laughing, the cries.
The pain. Like a dagger in my chest. Always there, sore and aching.
You. Gone, I am alone.

Things are not right.
The moonlight. So silver and bright, but not comforting.
The memories. They have faded locked away in my mind.
The hugs. Words of comfort that I never remember.
The colours. They were always so bright and pretty.
The promise. One that I will never forget.
The night. So never ending and dark.
You. In my mind.

Everything of you has gone.
You possessions. All gone, sold, forgotten
Your smell. That perfume, it has faded.
The flowers. They are missing. Where are they?
You’re cooking. Always with love and care.
That garden. Normally wild, now clean and refined.
The car. Something that was always there for you.
You. Always lingering there.

Things are better.
The photos. It doesn’t hurt so much to look at them.
The tears. They cease to flow.
The dandelions. I blow them, they remind me of you.
The smiles. I smile, it’s not so hard, now.
The frowns. They have disappeared from my face.
You. I will always remember you.

But there is always never something that I will give up. Never.
I will always remember you. Forever