
I was resting under the willows, the sky lusciously darkened with kindness when it happened; my “out of body experience.” I was very aware of the feeling that I was floating; my body felt tingly, as if dewdrops were gathering on my skin. I glanced down and saw…well, me. The moon’s glow reflected off my slender face, bringing every flaw into perspective. I raised my brow, surprisingly, so did she. Before I could experiment further, the fiercest wind had my hair falling wildly around my features; So much so that my solid body fell to the trunk of the willow. What an odd thing for the wind to do. But the wind wasn’t finished with me; I was blown away from myself, past the oceans, the young tufted pastures, the…snowflakes? Where was I being taken? I landed, face first into a pond; it rippled intensely. My whole core snapped up. I wasn’t by the willows, I wasn’t floating, in fact, I was on a plane; water being splashed on me to awake me, by my sister. It was cold, too cold for my taste, as if winter was giving me ice kisses. And that’s when it happened. We were falling. Amazingly, I welcomed the delicate feeling that my insides were tickling. My last thought before I would fall to certain death:
How I wish my dream was reality. I wish I was being nuzzled by the wind, dancing over mountains. I wish I was being shown earths beauty. I wish this was the dream.
Then I woke.
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I wasn't really sure if this should be catagorized as poem or a story but it was pretty short so I put it as poem.