Slurp, slurp
Slop, slop
It’s the sound we all dread

How much skill does it take to shut your mouth while you chew?
Do you need to take a college course on it?
I would gladly be the propitious professor
Electroshock therapy is my favorite

You must know that we despise sitting next to you
At restaurants and at the dinner table
No one wants to hear you eat
No one wants to see your food being chewed

And God forbid after dinner
You reach into your purse and pull out a pack of Juicy Fruit
Then I know my soul has died a little inside

You disgust me, us
So why can’t you just
Shut your mouth?
♠ ♠ ♠
SO, I know this is pretty much a horrible poem, but it's for a project for school and I need to cite a source. So I'm putting it on Mibba to make it easy for myself. Don't hatee. :(