the thing that saved his life

Wake up and you feel so sore
You feel worse than you did the day before
‘Cause no one cares
That you heart has tares
You think you life is meaningless
Maybe it’s because of your carelessness

The names people call you don’t bother you anymore
Because your preparing for something more
You’re preparing to end your tragic life
What will you use? Pills, a razor, or your brother’s Swiss army knife?

But think about you baby sister, bree
Who will she have when you leave?
She is four years old
Do you think she will survive the cold?
When you think nothing can get better
Please take a look at this letter

Because I love you more than I’m suppose to
I just wanted to let you know you are wanted, wanted just for you
I cannot bare to be alone
Please pick up your phone

You have no need to draw a fake smile
Because I’ll be here for a while
We can live together. You, me
And little baby bree

So please don’t end your fragile life
No pills, no razor, no Swiss army knife
There is another option. End your life with me
We will grow old together by the sea

I want you forever
I know I am selfish
But I want us to be together

I ask one last thing of you
Will you love me too?