8th grade change

middle school was fun but it's time to move on
we all had a blast
as we kicked the six graders ass
everyday was a competition
as they tried to take our crowns
but they all were sad
when they realized we were leaving
because we made this school
so much more interesting
you thought the eighth grade boys were so hot
as they talked about football nonstop
eighth grade girls fought tooth and nail
but we all had one goal
and that was not to fail
but now the school years over
and it's time to pass the torch
we gave our teachers hell
we even made one cry
and we're pretty sure one of them
was high the whole time
one thing we did that was kind of cool
was the food fight the last day of school
we all cried as the last bell rang
because as the seconds passed
we remembered more and more
all the time we spent together
and how that is no more