Burn It

Burn it down,
The very thing
I was stupid enough
To try again

Burn it down!
That damned high-wire
On which
My rope was cut

Burn it
Until its nothing
But mere ash
Burn it down

Burn it to ash
As well as I
For trusting
His lying words

Burn it to ash
As well as them...
His "I love you" 's
His "I promise..." 's

Like you damned promises

Burn it to ash
As well as her
For stealing
Away your love

Burn it to ash
So that
i may never
Attempt it again

For I fear
I do not have
Any more love
For the stranger standing on the other end

Burn it to ash
As well as him
For I shall never met him
Thanks to you...
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem would might be considered a sequel to my other poem, 'High-Wire', but perhaps not, the topic - true - as similar though.