What Isn't It Warm?

So cold...

Why isn't it warm?
Shouldn't it be warm?
What does it mean if its not?
Does it mean I'm dead?

I don't want to be dead!
Would it truly be different
Than what I've been feeling?

I want to feel its heat
I want to fell its scorch
Under my skin
Coursing through my veins

Like venom...

What has he done to me

There is no more mask
Behind which I tried to hide

There are those
Who still choose not to see my endless pain

He is one...
Though he pretends to care
Pretends to worry
About the pain he caused

Why isn't it warm?

There is something...
I am missing...

What was it?

Something sharp...

Something that shined...

Piercing my skin...

Sudden pain...

By my own hand?

Last words
From him?

"I love her..."

But she's with someone else...
Why her?

Why not me?

It isn't going to warm...
Not now...
Not when its spilled over the floor
Not when I use it
To write these very words...

Something else...


I love you still....