A tale

Do you know me, let me tell you
don't you want me to tell you
for her - a tale,
about her - how she ridiculed?

And he begins the alphabet,
silently counting ... one, two, three ..
No, I will not admit:
if you want - say and write!

So! Now there is just you and me!
We walk on the clouds white
I don't stop, you don't stop.
It is beautiful and we dream
to become people
to go down to the ground.

I am here to tell you
that the story continues.
Do not be sad!
Romance is yours saga.
Requested as a person
to do their stuff
and you're leaving early morning
to the abyss of love.

Counting: One, two, three ...
on four you stop!
Hey,I know you!

You slowly fall asleep.
Still looking for the old memories.
Where is she, where is he,
where is the cloud white?

Did your wound heal?
Do you forgive me?
This story is about two.
And the letter is one
guess, reader, what is?
It is only just one.