Shattered Night

White falls run red at dusk
When night time hits and love turns to lust
When heartbeats beat harder
And sweet songs are harboured
In a dance of fire, ice and dust

A life taken
A tear drop mistaken
A cascade of the pieces
That the broken mirror releases
Venom pours in to blackened veins
Where poison runs strong and insanity reins

Two different faces
One body they share
Pretty blue eyes
And golden blonde hair
But to see inside souls
One would be pure
Glowing and gracious
Gorgeous for sure

The other not a monster
But misunderstood
Still black hearted and cruel
More evil then good
Cold and sadistic
Sinful, malicious
Holding more hate then any soul should

When this chill captures the warmth
And spills red on the floors
To make paintings of torture
And music of screams
When the lights are dimmed down
And the harshest of sounds
Are burned into the mind and scars peaceful dreams
This is when dreamers’ dreams turn to screams

Poison sinks in to open cuts
Toxic fires burn deep in the ruts
Knife dragged on skin
Danger within
Of pain, fear and torture
Smothered in sin

The dark angel caused this pain
But cries in the evening all the same
Only in the blackest of nights
She creates all the madness
When the light starts to rise
She stops all the sadness
The body unscathed
So no one knows she’s insane

When the screams start to die down
Silence is a well welcomed sound
The light is a warning
Of the coming of morning
And the warmth of the sun
Makes open blood cease to run

The pain is no more
Nor is the red on the floor
Screams pull out of the mind
Leaving dreamers behind
The lifting of the curse
Makes harsh songs change their verse
The melody starts sweet
And the normal heart starts to beat
The red falls go back white
One last scream of the night

The shards of the mirror
Come together as one
Lust twists into love
The moon turns to sun
The black angel lays still
Lost the adrenaline thrill
Of the pain she created in the mind of this one

Hours of night without beauty
Stuck with torture and pain
But the marks are not there
Nothing but memories remain
The white angel rises
Well the black angel sleeps
No more nightmares in dreamers’ dreams

Both of these angels make an internal battle
Inside a struggle the little girl rattled
They are still trapped inside of the mind
Of the girl with blonde hair
And pretty blue eyes