Conquer for Control

She cries at night
But no one knows
Her tears only fall
When she’s alone

The bruises are hidden
The scars run skin deep
She lives in a nightmare
She screams in her sleep

Her life is hard
But she lives day to day
And she wears a fake smile
All over her face

You cannot see through her
You won’t find out
That when she goes home
She screams and bleeds out

The pain is a mystery,
We don’t know if it’s real
And the scars turn to lines
When they start to heal

The blood gets cleaned up
No one knows of the pain
Even though it is gone
It will come once again

Her life is perfect
There is nothing wrong
But she cannot see
It’s in her head all along

The scars aren’t really there
The blood doesn’t fall
When she realizes this
All hope is lost

She cannot stop
But she knows that she’s crazy
The nightmares will wake her
How hard will the day be?

If the screams are not real
Then no sound is made
She will suffer trapped
Another day

Where is she locked?
Inside of her head
Does she like it there?
No, she’d rather be dead

When the events that take place there
Leave her shaking in tears
And she doesn’t know it’s not real
It’s happened for years

But now she has found
Some bliss in her mind
She ignores the events
To release from the binds

And she finds strength in truth
Everything real from fake
She will conquer herself
And control, she will take