Who is She?

Who is She?

Trapped in her soul
There is darkness
It lingers with a confidence
Because it knows it will never be banished

On the outside
She is beautiful
No one can see
Unless you tear her open and look

She hides behind mental walls she has created
To keep out the intruders
Her thoughts are her own
Whether or not she wants them to be

She is invisible if you walk by her
Looks like everyone else
But what if people looked on the outside
As what they felt on the inside

The world would be different
Her world
The one she hides in to sink from reality
Everything would change
If we could all really see her

For what she is and what she wants to be
Would we love her because of what she faces
Or run from what we do not understand about her
Is it possible she is just like you or I?

Perhaps she is on the outside
But on the inside
There is darkness that she will never banish
Not only does she hold onto it for security
But also because it is a part of her
And you cannot rid you
Of yourself

Hide from the truth as you wish
Lie to the world all you want
But try to lie to yourself
And know; it can never truly be done