Ravens Wings

Black as the ravens wings
The newly tainted heart sings

The song is heavy,
Smells of blood
The words are wrong
All messed up

The darkness capturing
Enshrouded in cold
The fire burns blue
Deep in the soul

The stars are gone
The full moon burns bright
But as it glows
It gives off no light

Rivers of crimson
Taint the ground
The drops a lullaby
Beautiful sound

Black as the ravens wings
The newly corrupted soul sings

Dark and foreboding
The empty abyss
Remember the times
When it wasn’t like this

Scrapes and scars
Cuts and bruises
The body is broken
The mind refuses

The healing process
Does not exist
Not when you’re torn
As bad as this

Pulled away
From what used to be
All you want
Is your sanity

But the soul is corrupted
The body is broken
The heart is tainted
The changes unspoken

They will not be reversed
They cannot be undone
The cold is as cold
As the heat of the sun

Night does not turn to day
As ash does not back to wood
Good does not beat the evil
Though it seems that it should

Dark is not light
As ash is not fire
The coals lose their glow
And the heat, it expires

The dove is beautiful
Such an innocent white
But this gentle creature
Dies tonight

The black raven swoops
And makes the attack
Leaving evil where good lived
There’s no going back

The evil as dark as the ravens wings
It awakens the dead
And now they sing
Their deadly song
Plays into the night
there’s nothing in sight

The raven’s wings are ultra black
The ancient evil
Is coming back
Taking over the body
The silence is screaming
Poisonous whispers
That have no meaning

And as the raven now sleeps
The evil retreats
It will take over tomorrow night
When the clean heart stops its beats

The raven beats its wings
And the blood starts to pump
It runs cold and black
As the evil comes up

The tainted heart starts
Pounding its song
And the raven’s wings beat
As they did all along