The Woman And Her Child

There she lay shaking,

Embracing her child over unseen dangers.

Her skin pale and sunken,

The thin frame of her bones, protruding through her skin.

The child was blackened with starvation,

Its heart faint and slow.

Agonized tears overflowed the woman's eyes,

No milk could be produced for her beloved son.

She begged and pleaded for help,

No one saw, no one cared.

As blind as eyes in darkness,

They shook her away,

Emotionless to the suffering.

Time started to capture the child's life,

He whimpered and writhed.

Would it ever end?

Would it ever stop?

No food to eat, no shelter to live,

The time ticked relentlessly...

The woman reached down to the ground,

Her body trembling violently.

The handful of mud was cool, and wet in her hands,

She opened her mouth, her hand reaching up-

Sheer desperation.

I turned away, no more could I look.

The sky, the earth, wept with her pain.

The woman and her child, they live no more

Succumbed into age, suffering, and darkness,

The woman and her child,

A memory!

This is based on a real story; it's a memory of mine. I didn't see them die, and I think they're alive and well today, but as a person who's seen much of the world around them, I have seen people eat mud, and I have seen people die of poverty. Maybe not this time, but it's not hard to put the two together, and we have something that happens to people everyday.

Be glad you haven't seen as much as I, for the world we have created for ourselves is truly horrid-Kristianna Fernando
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Copyright © 2011 Kristianna Fernando

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