My Home The Venue

When the house lights go down
And the stage lights go up
Body's smash to the front
To get close as they can
Just to feel the love

That raw sound of a guitar
The heavy bass
A steady drum beat
Fast fingers on a keyboard
And words full of meaning

The venue is my home
The fans are family
And the bands visitors from a far
They are the ones entertaining you
At your home to your family

It's always a long you want
A long you needed
To know there is someone out there
That dealt with the same shit
You had gone through

That long to scream
Maybe even cry out
Or to just cry happy tears
What about scream the lyrics
Wait your voice is out, oh well

The nights over
Still have the adrenaline rush
Like nothing could bring you down
You family leaves
Then your guest of honor

Don't worry they will be back
Oh to soon
♠ ♠ ♠
I am about to go to a My Chemical Romance concert in two weeks and this is the feeling I know I will have