
I have nothing left to give
And no longer wish to live
So I find a knife
To quickly end my life

But then he comes for me
Trying to set me free
Showing me not to cry
Telling me not to die

And I listen

But then it all comes back
Heaping in a tall tall stack
The weight of all I've done
Telling me to find my gun

Making me wish to die
And join them in the sky
But I hold fast
Because I must last

Because he come for me
Trying to set me free
Showing me how to fly
Telling me not to die

And I listen

So I let his love
Make me his pure white dove
And I learn to fly
Right Here in OUR sky

And when he gets down
Or I wear a frown
I help him and he helps me
And tell him our love makes us free

And We Listen
♠ ♠ ♠
(C) 2011
Lynne Noyes