
Its dark in here - I can't see you - or myself - I can't see anything - I don't now where i am anymore - i don't know who i am anymore - the people i love - i mean nothing to them - the people that love me - do they love me enough? - to notice the signs - the new hair - the sudden sorrow - the long sweaters - do i have to spell it out? - scream it in your face? - why wont you see what is there - i know why - its because you refuse to see me - see me as sad - as unhappy - you refuse to witness your friend slowly die - you refuse to acknowledge - it was you who could have stopped it - you who could have turned on the light - in all this darkness
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Not a personal reference. This is based on the book "13 Reasons Why" .. Hannah didn't have to die so young and so unexpectedly. And neither do you.